

Робот  за сервиране и доставка

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Уникално иновативен робот за ресторанти, заведения, хотели, офиси и търговски обекти.  Искате ли да..

0.00 лв Ex Tax: 0.00 лв

Are designed to slice firm and soft vegetables, fruits, mushrooms etc. Dices when combi..
0.00 лв
Ex Tax: 0.00 лв
The 18/10 AISI 304 stainless steel tanks are moulded and continuous-welded with rounded corners for ..
0.00 лв
Ex Tax: 0.00 лв
Are designed to slice firm and soft vegetables, fruits, mushrooms etc. Dices when combi..
0.00 лв
Ex Tax: 0.00 лв